FY25 Recharge Rates

Fleet Services is a 100% recharge unit in that it receives no direct funding from the University for its activities. All rates are set by the campus Direct Costing Committee (DCC) solely to recover costs for a given service. Please click here for a description of a recharge unit's goals and responsibilities and here for a description of the DCC and its role at UCSC.


2024-25 RATES

Fleet Services Recharge Rate (heavy duty)** $130.00 $116.40 $200/hr 
Fleet Services Recharge Rate (light duty)** $124.00 $111.75 $170/hr UCD
Fuel Surcharge $0.36 $0.33 $1.39/gl UCLA
Fuel Invoice Surcharge, non-Fed, Working Capital Reserve*** 2% 2% $1.39/gl UCLA
4 Passenger Sedan Daily Rate $50.00 $46.35 $46.13/day
4 Passenger Sedan Long Term (month) $670.00 $669.50 $1116.56/mo 
2 Passenger Cargo Van Daily Rate $65.00 $61.80 $74.67 
2 Passenger Cargo Van Long Term Rate (month) $725.00 $721.00 $1813
12 Passenger Van Daily Rate $94.00 $87.55 $133.84 (7 pass)
12 Passenger Van Long Term Rate (month) $1,150 $1,030 $2023.23/mo (7 pass)
2 Passenger Stakedbed Electric Cart - Daily Rate $80 $80 $138/8hrs 
2 Passenger Stakebed Electric Cart - Monthly Rate $1000 $1000 $895/160hrs
Annual Administration Charge $600.00 $528.00 $1008/UCLA
Annual Administration Charge Aux Vehicles $84.00 $66.00 $696/UCLA
Automotive Sublet Work 26% 25% Burdened into $231/hr Shop Rate UCLA
Automotive Parts Purchase Surcharge 33% 30% Burdened into $231/hr Shop Rate UCLA
Sundry Consumables Charge (bulk purchase supplies)**** $6.00 $5.00 8% Invoice
WEX Fuel Card Fee $7.00 $6.00 38% UCLA
Smog Fee $75.00 $50.00 $170/hr UCD
Insurance Claim Fee $75.00 $50.00 $230 UCLA
Student Attendant (pass through, washing vehicles etc.) $15.50 $15.50
Wash Station Hose Time (30 min) Cycles $15.50 $15.50
Commercial Rental Coordination Fee 25% 25% 28% UCLA
Compliance Fee***** $132.00 $116.40 $231/hr UCLA
* Outside Vendor Rates- rates charged by local, non-University vendors and other UC's for the same services.
** Effective July 1, 2011, all on-road gasoline powered vehicles under 14,500GVWR will be maintained and/or repaired at the "light duty" labor rate described above.
*** 2% fee applied to all on-campus, non-federally rechargable fuel invoices to fund replacement of campus fuel site as needed.
**** Fee charged to each work order to recover costs related to bulk purchase supplies, de minimis parts
*****Compliance fee - per hr fee for problems resolving registering vehicles, rental reservations, etc.