UCruz Rental Policy

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Fleet Services Vehicle Rental Policy

UCSC Physical Plant - Fleet Services provides the University community with a cost-effective group of University-owned vehicles: sedans, 12-passenger vans, and a cargo van for rental use while conducting official University business.

In 2004 the California State Legislature passed Assembly Bill 626, which establishes prohibitions against the purchase and use of 15 passenger vans by State agencies. This action was taken because of numerous reports of rollover accidents involving these vehicles. Subsequently all 15 passenger vans were removed from the daily rental pool at Fleet Services and any person on campus operating a 15 passenger van is now required to obtain a commercial (Class B) driver's license. This legislation also restricts who may ride in these vehicles and, as a result, 15 passenger vans are not to be used to transport school-aged (K-12) children under any circumstances.

Please be aware that these restrictions also extend to persons obtaining vehicles from off-campus rental agencies and unless a driver holds a Class B driver's license they are not to drive a 15-passenger van for university business under any circumstances.

Fleet Services office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 PM (holidays excluded); Phone: (831)-459-2228, FAX: (831) 459-3825.

A summary of the "rental policies and procedures" is provided below. Please call the number provided above for clarification or e-mail us at fleets@ucsc.edu for more information.

Please Read Carefully:

I. Authorized Vehicle Use

The operation and use of University vehicles is limited to members of the campus community (i.e., faculty, staff, students), and associated non-University members on official University business, as authorized by appropriate University officials.

II. Unauthorized Vehicle Use

Use of a University vehicle without proper authorization by appropriate University officials, or use by or transporting unauthorized personnel or materials, unauthorized possession of a vehicle beyond the established rental period, receipt of citation or parking violations by law enforcement officials, off-paved road use, towing vehicles or trailers, smoking within the vehicle, violations of the Campus Alcohol and Substance Abuse policies, and use of a vehicle for personal business, are all considered unauthorized use or vehicle misuse. Under Business and Finance Bulletin 46 of the University of California charter, Fleet Services reserves the right to hold individual student or employee drivers named on the subsequently described "trip tickets" and/or authorizing campus departments accountable for costs incurred due to unauthorized use or vehicle misuse. All violations of applicable student or employee codes of conduct will be reported to the appropriate campus authorities for review.

III. Student Users and Organizations

Students and student organizations can rent Fleet vehicles for official University business and activities. The organization or student will need to make arrangements through their college, department, or Campus Activities Officer.

A. Student Authorization Forms

Student drivers are required to present a completed and signed "Vehicle Authorization for Student Use" form when picking up vehicles or keys. Student authorization forms are required for all undergraduate student drivers, except for students who are conducting business as a paid employee of the University. You can find a copy of this form at http://www.fleets.ucsc.edu.

IV. Third Party Agents

Third Party agents are defined as persons who pick up either the reserved vehicle and/or keys for the primary driver, and who will not accompany the driver during the vehicle's use. Third Party agents will share responsibility for the vehicle since they complete the required form(s) and provide key pick-up service for the primary driver.

A. Third Party Responsibilities

The third party agent must present their driver's license, a photocopy of the intended (or primary) driver's license, and complete the required rental form. The agent's name and driver's license information will be listed under the secondary driver section of the Rental Trip Ticket form described below. Due to image quality issues, absolutely no faxes of driver's licenses will be accepted. Both the third party agent and the ultimate vehicle drivers must read the Fleet Services Vehicle Rental Policy contained herein, before taking possession of a rental vehicle. Third Party Agents must also pass on to the ultimate driver(s) any information disseminated by Fleet Services staff at time of key pick-up.

V. Vehicle Etiquette

Rental vehicles are provided for use by the University community to enhance its ability to conduct business and activities. As its representatives, use the vehicle(s) judiciously, and observe the Rules of the Road.

A. Vehicle and Driver Safety

Always lock the vehicle when left unattended, and park in well-lit areas at night or populated areas during the day. You will enhance your own safety and discourage acts of vandalism. Always report acts of vandalism to local law enforcement, and follow the steps laid out in the "Accident Reporting Kit" located in the glove box of each University vehicle.

B. Lost or Stolen Property

Help prevent lost or stolen property by always removing valuables from view inside the vehicle. If you cannot take these items with you, lock them in the trunk or place them in the cargo area of vans. If you notice materials left behind by the previous user, please take them to Fleet Services, the University Police, or leave them in the vehicle. The owner will appreciate your efforts. Upon completion of the rental, always check the vehicle for materials left behind. Fleet Services will keep unclaimed property for 1 business day after contacting the most recent rental customer(s). Unclaimed items may be found at the Campus Police Department thereafter.

C. Vehicle Cleanliness

Please remove any remaining trash or debris from the vehicle after use; the next user will appreciate it. Fleet Services also reserves the right to recover any costs from cleaning excessive dirt and mud from rental vehicles and, more broadly, any costs required to return a rental vehicle to the condition under which it was originally rented.

D. Smoking in University Vehicles

Smoking is strictly prohibited in University vehicles and customers will be charged to remove associated odors from rental vehicles. Many people find cigarette and other smoke-generating products offensive, so please do not smoke in the vehicle.

E. Early Vehicle Access and Late Returns

Do not pick up a vehicle earlier or return later than the designated rental period. The vehicle may be in use, or you may disrupt someone else's scheduled use of the vehicle. If you wish to rent the vehicle earlier or later than the designated period (Special Service Calls), call Fleet Services during the above business hours or the Campus Dispatch number listed on the key pouch and we will make reasonable accommodations based on our reservation schedule.

VI. Rental Procedures and Information

Vehicle reservations are made by submitting a reservation form on our website: http://www.fleets.ucsc.edu. You may also wish to call Fleet Services at 831-459-2228 to submit the reservation form to determine the availability of vehicles. You must show a valid driver's license before the vehicle's release.

A. Required Rental Information

Please complete our rental reservation web form in its entirety. The authorizing party requested at the bottom of the form needs to have an official UCSC email address. If you have trouble navigating our website, please contact Fleet Services.

B. Vehicle Availability

Vehicle reservations are provided on a first come, first served basis, and vehicle requests can be made up to one academic quarter in advance. Vehicles are only considered confirmed when a confirmation e-mail is sent by our Fleet Coordinator. Fleets Services will not "hold" a vehicle without a confirmed reservation.

C. Active Reservations

The vehicle reservation becomes active once the rental reservation has been officially confirmed. Active reservations are subject to vehicle cancellation and rental extension policies. Fleet Services reserves the right to cancel a reservation for any reason. Every effort will be made to avoid any service disruptions, give sufficient notice regarding cancellations, and provide an alternate vehicle at the rental rate of the originally reserved vehicle. No cancellations in reference to a rental vehicle's sale will transpire with less than one week's notice to the rental customer.

D. Weekend or Early Morning Rentals

If your vehicle rental occurs during the weekend or early in the morning (before 8:00 am), vehicle keys may be picked up between 8:00 A.M. & 4:00 P.M. on the prior business day or contact Fleet Services to arrange for advance key pick-up.

E. Vehicle Fuel and Fueling

Fleet Services will make every effort to provide properly fueled vehicles at the time of each rental. The user is required to refuel the vehicle upon completion of the reservation. Fuel credit cards located in the key pouch are provided for this purpose and fueling during extended trips. Instructions for card use will be provided at key pick-up. Please use regular unleaded fuel when refueling the vehicle. In addition to off-site fuel credit cards, all rental vehicles are equipped with an AIMII fueling kit. In lieu of fueling off-campus, rental customers are strongly encouraged to use the campus fuel site located just behind Fleet Services. Instructions for this process will also be given during key sign-out.

G. Off-Road Use

Off-road use (i.e., non-paved roadway) of University vehicles is prohibited; the user and/or department will be liable for all repair work or cleaning resulting from this type of use. This provision absolutely includes brake damage caused by prolonged braking when descending steep grades.

VII. Vehicle Cancellation

Failure to provide one business day's notice of rental cancellation will result in the first reserved day being charged at the daily rate appropriate to the reserved vehicle. Reservations lasting more than one day will be billed at the daily rate appropriate to the reserved vehicle for the first day and a one-time, flat non-compliance fee for the remaining days of the reservation. Official cancellations must be in the form of an e-mail to fleets@ucsc.edu.

VIII. Vehicle Sign-out Procedures

The rental vehicle(s) and/or keys can be picked up at the Fleet Services office after completing the vehicle Rental Trip Ticket. The required information takes a couple of minutes to complete, so allow sufficient time for this and to be briefed on other responsibilities and requirements. Those customers who indicate that they have not read this document at time of pick-up will be required to read and signify that they agree to the terms of the "Fleet Services Vehicle Rental Policy" before taking possession of any University-owned rental vehicle.

A. Rental Trip Ticket

Users of University rental vehicles are required to complete a vehicle "Rental Trip Ticket" form before the release of the vehicle and/or keys. Persons picking up the vehicle and/or keys for another person must follow the procedures listed under Third Party Agents section above. Rental vehicles can only be operated by driver(s) described on the "Rental Trip Ticket", without exception, and these driver(s) will be responsible for any unauthorized use or vehicle misuse during the entire term of the rental event, as described above in the "Unauthorized Vehicle Use" section of this document.

B. Dispatch of Vehicle Keys

Vehicle keys are dispatched to the renter after the Rental Trip Ticket has been completed and signed, driver's license verified; vehicle keys must be picked up by 4:00 PM.

C. Missing Rental Vehicles

If you arrive to pick up your reserved vehicle and you cannot locate it in the Fleet Services parking lot, contact Fleet Services during business hours, the University Police Dispatch (number listed on the back of the key pouch), and explain your situation to the officer or operator.

D. Long-Term Reservations

Vehicles being rented for a period of 30 days or longer will receive additional instructions pertaining to proper operation and maintenance of University vehicles, such as procedures and intervals for checking oil levels and tire pressures. Users reserving vehicles for several months should also be prepared to be contacted by Fleet Services personnel to schedule routine mileage-based inspections, unless other arrangements have been made in writing. A pre-trip inspection describing the mechanical and cosmetic condition of each planned long-term rental vehicle will also be conducted and signed by Fleet Services and authorized user personnel. Fleet Services reserves the right to recharge the user department for even minor cosmetic damage not noted on the pre-trip inspection and damage resulting from the failure to perform the checks described in the above mentioned instructions. Absolutely no students will be allowed to sign for keys on reservations lasting over one week in duration.

IX. Vehicle Return Procedures

At the completion of the rental period, the driver is required to record the ending mileage (current odometer reading), the return date and time, and all other requested information on the vehicle mileage card contained within the key pouch. The vehicle needs to be returned to the Fleet pool lot. Please return the keys to the Fleet Services' key drop slot, even during business hours.

A. Rental Completion

A vehicle rental is considered complete and closed, when the vehicle, vehicle keys, fuel credit card (located in the key pouch), and completed mileage card are returned to Fleet Services. If the vehicle return date and time is not recorded, additional charges will be accrued.

B. Rental Extension

If you require a rental extension while on the road, call Fleet Services at 831-459-2228 during office hours and explain your situation. If after hours, call the emergency contact at 831-459-2231 and identify yourself, the vehicle number, and your situation to the operator. Please note that rental extensions are not automatically granted, and you could be liable for special service call charges.

X. Rental Charges

Vehicle rental charges commence at 12:00 AM on the day that the vehicle is removed from the Fleet Services' rental lot and end at 11:59 PM on the day the vehicle is returned. Thus, rental charges are determined according to daily use, not by the number of hours a vehicle is used. Reservations that require special handling (i.e., providing snow chains) will be subject to charges sufficient to recover the costs of related supplies and services.

A. Daily Rentals

A daily rental is considered vehicle use from midnight to 11:59 PM (the same day). There are no half-day charges.

B. Monthly Vehicle Assignments

A vehicle can be assigned at a reduced monthly rate, if the vehicle is used for a continuous period of 21 days or more. Our rental rates can be found on the above-mentioned website at the "Recharge Rates" link.

C. Fuel and Insurance

Insurance charges are included in the rental rate. The driver is provided with a University fuel credit card that is acceptable at major service stations (e.g., Chevron, Shell, BP, etc.). The user is also strongly encouraged to use our campus fuel station located behind Fleet Services. All fuel charges are passed-through to the rental user and are billed on a monthly basis via the University's recharge system. The automobile insurance is provided through the University's self-insured automobile physical damage and liability program in accordance with the laws of the State of California.

D. Vehicle User Service Calls

User Service Calls for after-hours assistance, access to a vehicle earlier than designated, (non-emergency) rental extensions, or late returns can result in additional charges. The rental unit requesting the service or causing the disruption could be liable for reimbursing Police, Fleet Services, or other personnel that assisted with the service call.

E. Snow/Tire Chains

Reservations that require tire or snow chains will be subject to charges intended to recover the cost of related supplies and services.

XI. Vehicle Insurance

The University of California is self-insured for automobile physical damage and liability in accordance with the laws of the State of California.

A. Property Damage

The University's liability insurance covers physical damage or personal injuries (UCSC employees and volunteers are covered by the University's Workers' Compensation Program) in University vehicles used for business and activities.

B. Personnel Injuries

University personnel (and volunteers) injured while engaged in University-related business and activities are covered by the University's Self-Insured Workers' Compensation Program.

C. Liability Limitations

University insurance does not cover theft of or damage to the personal property of University personnel (or volunteers/students.) If the loss is due to negligence by the University or its employees, please contact Risk Services.

XII. Financial Responsibility

Campus units are responsible for providing persons reserving University vehicles with the proper recharge information. Campus units are strongly encouraged to establish a reservation coordinator to handle and track the unit's vehicle reservations.

A. Department Responsibilities

The reserving unit is responsible for the proper use of University vehicles by persons under its charge, and is responsible for all vehicle rental charges, and vehicle repair costs resulting from vehicle accidents and unauthorized vehicle usage described above.

B. Driver Responsibilities

The driver of a University vehicle must have a valid driver's license issued in the United States while driving the vehicle, and is responsible for payment of all traffic and parking fines incurred during the rental period. Unauthorized vehicle use or failure to follow University policies and guidelines can result in substantial financial charges or other penalties.

XIII. University Fuel Credit Cards

Whenever possible, always fuel University vehicles at the campus Central Garage, also known as Fleet Services. The campus fuel site is open 24 hours a day/year round, though it is unattended by personnel after business hours, weekends, and holidays. If the Central Garage fuel site is not operational due to emergency, use the WEX fuel credit card located in the vehicle key pouch for refueling at major service stations. Fuel credit card use is closely monitored for irregular or unauthorized use; if unauthorized card use occurs, the user department will be billed for all charges which appear on the monthly Voyager card statement for the rental period in question. It is the user department's responsibility to seek remedies from vehicle users who use fuel cards for unauthorized purposes.

A. Fuel Credit Card Use

Please use the fuel credit cards at "major service or fuel stations only" (Chevron, BP, Shell, etc.). The cards are not valid at some smaller chains and sole proprietorships. When fueling the vehicle always use regular unleaded. Please use the fuel credit cards only on the vehicle to which it is assigned.

B. Fuel Credit Card Limitations

The fuel credit card is restricted to fuel and oil purchases only. The fuel credit cards cannot be used to purchase food, candy, beverages or similar goods. Such use is considered unauthorized and the user department will be recharged for such purchases.

C. Fuel Credit Card Liabilities

If the service station refuses to honor the WEX fuel credit card, you are directed to seek another station that will honor the card. Fleet Services is subject to contractual agreements between the State of California and WEX and can thus not be responsible for reimbursement of "cash" or personal "credit card" fuel purchases due to WEX fuel cards being rejected.

D. Unauthorized Fuel Charges

The user department will be recharged for unauthorized fuel credit card use; for fuel use which exceeds the vehicle's fuel tank capacity; credit card use to purchase food, candy, beverages or other similar merchandise; and for fuel purchased for a vehicle not assigned to that particular fuel credit card.

E. Emergency Repairs

The fuel credit card can be used for emergency repairs as authorized by Fleet Services or appropriate University personnel. The user is required to call Fleet Services for authorization of repairs during business hours. During after-hours emergencies, users must call Campus Dispatch 831-459-2231 for repairs or seek assistance. If the user is authorized to make recommended repairs or acquire towing services, Fleet Services or Campus Dispatch may direct the user to the "Emergency Road Side Assistance" number located on the back of all key pouches. The credit card provided may then be used to pay for said services.

XIV. Vehicle Accidents or Damage

Whenever a vehicle sustains damage, or you are involved in an accident (contact local law enforcement immediately), follow the instructions on the "Accident Reporting Kit" enclosed in the colored envelope located in the vehicle glove compartment. You are required to complete the actions detailed in the "Accident Reporting Kit" at the time of the accident or discovery of damage and contact Fleet Services or Campus Dispatch (after-hours, 831-459-2231) as safely as possible. Please also use this kit to report vehicle vandalism that occurred during your rental period.

A. Department Responsibilities

The reserving unit is financially responsible for all vehicle repair costs but may be reimbursed by insurance, less a $500 deductible for each vehicle incident. The department will be liable for the total repair charge: if an accident report or loss notice is not completed, the vehicle damage is a result of off-paved road use, or rejection of the accident claim by the insurance company. Fleet Services also reserves the right to seek reasonable remedy from the user department for loss of rental income sufficient to recover ongoing vehicle costs (lease payments, annual insurance, maintenance, etc.) accruing while vehicles are being repaired.

B. Driver Responsibilities

The driver of the vehicle is required to complete the steps in the "Accident Reporting Kit". Failure to report vehicle damage promptly can result in additional charges for the recovery of costs associated with discovering the source of damage and responsible parties.

XV. Fleet Services Liabilities

Fleet Services assumes no liability, expense for losses incurred by users resulting from (a) unauthorized or prohibited use of the vehicle, (b) improper fuel credit card use, (c) towing, storage, (d) parking and moving violations, (e) impound charges resulting from motor vehicle violations, (f) vehicle damage, mechanical failure, or property losses resulting from driver negligence or error, or (g) losses resulting from missed connections or reservations due to events beyond its control. Fleet Services is only liable for expenses incurred during the reasonable mechanical operation of the vehicle provided; excluding fuel level at pick up or cleanliness of vehicle.

A. Emergency Repairs

The user is required to call Fleet Services for authorization of repairs during business hours. During after-hours emergencies, users must call Campus Dispatch at 831-459-2231 to authorize repairs or seek assistance. If the user is authorized to make recommended repairs or acquire towing services, Fleet Services or Campus Dispatch may direct the user to the "Emergency Road Side Assistance" number located on the back of all key pouches.

B. Service Disruptions

For service disruptions resulting from mechanical failure or other conditions under its control, Fleet Services will make every attempt to provide an alternate Fleet pool vehicle.

C. Substitute Rental Vehicle(s)

Fleet Services reserves the right to make vehicle substitutions to confirmed reservations as necessary. The substitute vehicle provided will be designed to meet or exceed the original seating specification. Fleet Services will provide the substitute vehicle at the same rental rate as the original vehicle reservation.

XVI. Emergency Information

If you experience any complications while using one of our vehicles, please contact the numbers below for emergency assistance:

UCSC Fleet Services, Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, 831-459-2228
UCSC Police Dispatch Evenings, weekends, or holidays, 831-459-2231

XVII. Comments Suggestions

Fleet Services encourages your comments and suggestions on our rental service so we may better support the University's mission of education and outreach. Please send your feedback to fleets@ucsc.edu.

Current Vehicle Rental Rates

 Compact Sedans (4-5 people) $50.00 daily, unlimited miles

 Cargo Van (2 people) $65.00 daily, unlimited miles

 12-Passenger Vans $94.00 daily, unlimited miles

  2-Passenger NEV Electric Cart $80.00 daily, unlimited miles

Please note: Rental rates are subject to change on a yearly basis, please contact Fleet Services at 831-459-2228 for the current rates and policies.